Sunday, July 28, 2013

Odds & Ends

Junk drawer & it's items

We have two junk drawers. 
This is ours, untouched.  Just pulled it open and SNAP. 
It is what it is... 

The drawer has nice pops of color and generally handy items. I would say a pretty decent junk drawer.  The flash light doesn't currently function at this time. And, those Twistable markers are out of order until cooler weather. They are in a pretty constant state of goo.
Hey George
Finally found that bucket of cranyons...those George Harrison crayons. Sunny colors! It's so exciting.

Latest photos of Sunny
B l u e b e r r i e s

& Kota Bear
 love his Paws

And two big pictures of Milkweed

We've been going through our cheap, thrift shop records and making some cuts and finding some gems.

Duke Ellington & his Orchestra will be staying.


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